Friday, May 25, 2012

Moving to a New Site

This Blog shall be abandoned, and all of its works shall now be posted on my new site, Nigmabox.  Peace out!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Super Mario 3D Land Review

Super Mario 3D Land served as one of Nintendo’s two big titles near the end of 2011 to rake in some Christmas dough from children across the land.  But is it good, or is it just as bad and stupid as its title.  Yes, it is as dumb as the title, but the game is just straight Mario, and is that enough to hold a $40 title this day and age?  Hit the break and read what some bloke has to say.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dragon's Dogma Demo Impressions

Capcom’s latest title is a unique take on a party based RPG.  Instead of taking the Japanese route, which is roughly just to evolve upon the Dragon Quest model, Capcom made it into a very action heavy game that seems to be more inspired by Dungeons and Dragons, or at least visually.  Now does this very brief demo make the game look good or bad?  It seems to be damn good, now listen to me gush about it.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Star Fox 64 3D Review

Happy 3DS month, this is really just a plot to distract everyone from the fact that I can never beat a game a week, proving the schedule to be too regular, but a biweekly review schedule would leave me with a backlog and far less interest in the actual actually reviewing.  But for now, let’s talk about a game that I should have written a review of 8 months ago, Star Fox 64 3D.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Review

After one of the most lackluster launches in video game history, the 3DS struggled to create a software lineup that was worth a damn in 2011.  Since I need to fill these next few months somehow, listen to me talk about what I would consider to be the 4 biggest 3DS titles, or at least the 4 biggest ones that I care about.  And I don’t see a better place to start than The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. As someone who didn’t grow up with this game, and only played a portion of it 3 years ago, let’s see if this classic holds up.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Fez Rant

I first heard of a little game called Fez about two years ago, since then I maintained an interest in the game, and finally got to play it, but I hate it.  Not to say that it is bad, just that I personally cannot stand it.  Unfortunately I cannot form my thoughts into a full review, so let’s just call this an opinion piece and wait while all 0 of you penetrate my asshole with rusty pieces of metal, because that’s how opinions work.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Saints Row DLC Review

Hello there, it’s Saints Row month, but it will end with a piece about Fez next Sunday, and enjoy these mini-reviews on the Saints Row DLC.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Saints Row: The Third Review

Now for the review of  the last packaged game in Saints Row month, only now do I realize that I have 5 slots and only 4 pieces.  So enjoy this rant and see me next week for the overall DLC review.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Saints Row 2 Review

Now then, let's continue Saints Row month with one of the most impressive sequels I've seen since Mass Effect 2.  It's time to dive back into Stillwater with Saints Row 2!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Saints Row 1 Review

Despite growing up with an irrational hatred for all games that were, “immature”, I can safely say that’s it’s a shock that I love the Saints Row series.  I used to groan when I overheard people talk about Grand Theft Auto, but now I possess love for a series that originally began as a shameless rip-off.  As someone who recently experienced this franchise, I feel like I should review and compare this trilogy, in half for the LOLs, and because I like the idea of reviewing entire series.  So without further ado, let’s talk about Saints Row 1.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mass Effect 3 Review

As a fan of the first two Mass Effect titles, it should come as no surprise that I am reviewing the third part of the trilogy, but where does it stand between the first two games and is the controversy regarding the ending justified?  It’s a bit of a hybrid between the two, with some better, although less diverse gameplay, and an ending that actually presents the most interesting moral choice in the series since Legion’s Loyalty mission in Mass Effect 2.  But if you want a longer ramble, hit the jump below.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Monster Tale Review

While spending the extra $20 that was somehow cut off of Reckoning’s price tag, I ended up purchasing Monster Tale, a game that I entered with the notion that it was a SNES-like, metroidvania title, made by the same team that created Henry Hatsworth, while all of these are true, that doesn’t answer whether or not it is worth the $11 I spent on it.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Rather Lovely Premonition of the Deadly Variety

As a bit of an apology for nothing being written last week due to Mass Effect 3, a video project, a video shoot, and general laziness.  Here are my first impressions on Deadly Premonition, a cult classic game that is horrible from a gameplay standpoint, but is an amazing piece of entertainment.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Beyond Good and Evil HD Review

Beyond Good and Evil is often considered to be one of the most overlooked games of the sixth(Gamecube, Xbox, PS2) generation of gaming.  This can be attributed to many factors, namely how crowded the 2003 holiday season was, and the fact that the game’s publisher, Ubisoft, released Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, a game that was built upon the same engine, a mere week after the launch of the new IP by Rayman creator, Michel Ancel.  Thankfully, Ubisoft released an HD remastering of the game in early 2011, I just got around to beating it, and am here to tell you weather or not it is worth the asking price of $10.  Yes, yes it is.  But if you want more information, click the jump below.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Review

The game industry, along with nearly other modern entertainment industry, seems to be suffering from a lack of innovation.  As such, new ideas are anticipated and demanded by the consumers, who cause a fit whenever they get wind of a new intellectual propriety, or IP as people often call it.  Today I am reviewing one such example, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, the least original new IP I’ve ever seen that has a tie in with a well known trilogy, and an all-star staff.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Mass Effect 3 Demo Impressions

And now, because I loved Mass Effect 2, my Mass Effect 3 demo impressions:

Warp Demo Impressions

I have always said to be a man open to new ideas and to be a lover, not a hater.  I want everything to be likable, and don’t like putting things down, but Warp is kinda crap.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

L. A. Noire Review

As someone who is more than open to new ideas and innovation in games, I was looking forward to L.A. Noire.  Unfortunately, I was out of game money come May 2011, and had to wait until the DLC pack was on sale for $10, and the game itself was $20 off of Amazon.  So yes, this will be a review of the Complete Collection, since this game places DLC in between the main campaign.  But without further blathering about my dull life, hit the jump to see me criticize a universally loved game

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Review

After the second longest gap between a console Legend of Zelda game, Nintendo celebrated the beloved series’ 25th anniversary with two remakes and one entirely new game, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.  This game has been universally praised by all, which is odd when you consider the reception the game received when it was first shown.  As you can tell, I didn’t have the highest hopes entering Skyward Sword, but did it launch me up into an unforgettable experience, or did I just get a bit of motion sickness in the process.  No, and no, but if you want a more elaborate answer, hit the jump below.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mass Effect 2 Review

Mass Effect 2 was one of those games that I was excited ofr, but never did any extensive research on it.  I didn’t watch many trailers, didn’t look for news, I just pre-ordered it, heard how great it was before launch, and started playing.  I went in hoping for a more refined version, but instead I got a notable improvement in nearly every aspect. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Mass Effect 1 Review

As a wee boy, boy, I went against the trend of today and hated first and third person shooters. I was more of a Mario, Pokemon, and Sonic kind of kid, and since I thought that I should try a bit of everything, so I decided to buy Mass Effect.  Being a fan of RPGs since I bought Final Fantasy 1&2: Dawn of Souls and Golden Sun, And BioWare’s previous title Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. I decided that I might as well start with a hybrid of both an Third Person Shooter and an RPG.  But now without the rose tinted glasses of nostalgia, and with the partially poo stained glasses of a critic.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Darkness (I and) II Demo Impressions

The Darkness II Demo Impressions:
Due to the hype surrounding The Darkness II, I downloaded the predecessor’s demo, but much to my surprise, my thoughts can be best summarized by the following video:  

Why yes, I am a huge fan of Zero Punctuation.
But how does the sequel's demo stack up?  Here’s what I thought:

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning and Resident Evil Revlations Demo Impressions

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is one of my most anticipated of 2012, and to much my surprise a demo was released.  And Resident Evil Revelations is a curious little game that I, as someone with little experience in the realms of survival horror, possess some interest towards  So I went and downloaded both of the demos, played them for about 90 and 25 minutes respectively, and here are my first impressions of both:

Sunday, January 15, 2012

First Impressions of Final Fantasy XIII-2, Asura's Wrath, and Bastion

As a break from the routine of reviewing games, which I have been assembling a backlog of, I decided to give my first impressions on a couple of games.  Two of them are demos that hit the Xbox Live Marketplace on 10/1/12, the other one is a critically acclaimed indie hit that was universally praised, but I beg to differ.  Now there will not be scores, mostly because I don’t like giving a numerical value towards a brief experience.  Hit the jump and and Just Go For It!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Final Fantasy XIII Review

Nearly 14 months after buying an Xbox 360, the game I was so excited for, the game that sold me on the console, finally was released.  With high expectations and a renowned love for the first four games in the series, I experienced the most disappointing game I’ve ever had the displeasure of playing. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Skyrim Review

Ah, Skyrim, such a pleasant and massive treat.  I have decided that it would be a really bad idea to start this whole reviewing thing with a game like this, but I’m reckless enough to try.

Let me begin with two things:  One, I hated Oblivion.  I hated the degrading of weapons, the unfriendly user interface, the intimidatingly large world, and how progress seemed impossible in a game like it.  I spent 40 hours on it, and will never look back.  I managed to go to the second town in the game, until I tried riding a horse and gave up.  Two, I spent 172 hours on this game, and regret none of it.  It’s one of the best games I played in 2011.