Saturday, January 21, 2012

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning and Resident Evil Revlations Demo Impressions

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is one of my most anticipated of 2012, and to much my surprise a demo was released.  And Resident Evil Revelations is a curious little game that I, as someone with little experience in the realms of survival horror, possess some interest towards  So I went and downloaded both of the demos, played them for about 90 and 25 minutes respectively, and here are my first impressions of both:

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Demo Impressions!
Platforms: Xbox 360 (Demoed) , Playstation 3, PC
Final Product's Release Date: 7/2/2012

After placing us in a newly crafted fantasy world, complete with intro and all, you learn that your character has died before you even named and crafted him or her.  After being tossed down into a pit, you awaken due to something call the Well of Souls.  Which is essentially a pit of reincarnation, however some blokes aren’t too keen on the idea of eternal life, so they go in to mess up the dwarf occupied ruins you found yourself in.  During this you enter a combat tutorial of sorts and you see how Reckoning is different from other RPGs.  Right off the bat you are shown what it’s like to be a fighter, rouge, stealthy character, or mage.  But, you get to choose what type of character you want to be at any point in the game.  There is also a 3 way venn diagram of Destinies, which are not necessarily classes, just boosts for whatever character set up you currently have.  
However, due to the demo just being the beginning of the game, you aren’t given much time to make an actual character, but you can still enjoy the combat system.  You are able to freely switch between two weapons and six abilities in combat, you have four abilities, a shield, and a very handy dodge button.  They all allow for unique fighting styles, even within the tutorial.  It all has a sense of flow to it, but can create the feeling of being both too loose, and too stiff.  It is a very odd combination, with dodging being a stationary roll, and swordplay being divided into three part combos, and magic not always aiming properly, it feels somewhat sloppy.  Although, I did manage to set my controls and movement methods to a form of muscle memory afterwards, so it can’t be all bad.
But, back to the plot, you are then sent out of the ruins and thrusted into the beautiful and nature filled fauna of Amalur.  After stumbling around and getting my ass handed to me by wolves, who were impossible to hit with my longsword, I ran into a Fateweaver, a man who can tell what one’s destiny is.  And this is where the games mythology gets unique, it creates an entire society of people who believe that they can’t do anything that is not written in the already finished books of time.  It is a very other worldly and cult fear that boosted my immersion and desire to talk with people by a significant margin.
Afterwards, the game said that I had 45 minutes to run around and admire it’s lovely world and animations.  But, as I went into the one path that would let me out of these woods, I encountered an invisible wall and a bland landscape, so I went into a dead in cave three times in order to get it too work.  I finally entered he new area, the first town in the game, and was asked to revive some sort of immortal, this sent me of a multi-layered side quest, where I found treasure, fought enemies, and had these wooden goblins burst into wood texture for some reason.  This was most likely something due to the demo, since other than with my version, I did not see any thing that even resembled a glitch.  
But, dispute my gripes, I still believe that Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning will be a very solid game, although not a game that will receive may, if any awards.  From fairly dry and dull lore, to combat that failed to reach the sweet spot, and a few glitches.  On the other side, the amazing visuals and animations, the solid voice acting, variety in the combat styles, and the promised 200 hours of possible gameplay, this game could end up being fantastic.

Resident Evil Revelation Demo Impressions!
Platform: Nintendo 3DS(Demoed)
Final Product's Release Date: 7/2/2012

As someone who never played a Resident Evil game, I have nothing to compare Resident Evil Revelations to.  But without further ado, my impressions.  I assumed the control of series mainstay Jill Valentine, where I was told to wake up, explore the area that had visuals nearly as impressive as Resident Evil 5.  After drain a bathtub to find a screwdriver, not unlike the puzzles I’ve seen in playthroughs of the early Resident Evil games.  After that I encountered some kind of monster who had spiked clubs for arms, took handgun bullets like a champ, and wiggled as if it was made of jam.  This is very confusing to me, because I assumed that ammo preservation was a key aspect of the game, and that’s not easily done when I have a very small redicle and dancing zombies.
I then traveled through several small corridors, occasionally finding more of these creatures, along with a helpful shotgun, which seems to have a very small blasting area, but takes these guys out in about 2-3 hits as apposed to 8 handgun bullets.  I then stumbled across a scanner of sorts that found hidden items, which I believe ruins a bit of the horror element, you never want someone to freely explore in an area that you want them to fear.  
You want the player to cautiously go through the area with the fear of encountering something scary.  Although, the monsters do remain scary since they try to eat your neck and you move like you have something in your bum.  Tension is helped by the lack of being able to move and shoot, it’s a more realistic view, I suppose, but that does not make it that good.  If you base the main gameplay around the lack of an ability to move like a normal human being with no explanation, then you’re doing something quite wrong.
I proceeded into a room with a new kind of monster, and another one right next to it.  I just received grenades, which seem a bit out of place in horror, but whatever, Resident Evil 1 ended with you fighting a super zombie with a rocket launcher.  It required some quick reflexes, but I do not know how to make such rash decisions with a control scheme like this, there is no dodge or run button to speak of, which seems stupid, because then you need to experience the monsters up close, and you’ll fear them less due to your familiarity with them.
After those two bozos felled, I fought another one and was sent into some clear hallways, only to have some brief hints about what will happen in the main game thrown at me.  But I do not plan on purchasing this product, while I did have some fun with it on my second playthrough, I don’t think that this experiment of treading new waters justifies a $50 price tag, I might give it a whirl after a price cut or sale, but all I can muster up right now is an underwhelming meh with a faint shred of curiosity.