Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mass Effect 3 Review

As a fan of the first two Mass Effect titles, it should come as no surprise that I am reviewing the third part of the trilogy, but where does it stand between the first two games and is the controversy regarding the ending justified?  It’s a bit of a hybrid between the two, with some better, although less diverse gameplay, and an ending that actually presents the most interesting moral choice in the series since Legion’s Loyalty mission in Mass Effect 2.  But if you want a longer ramble, hit the jump below.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Monster Tale Review

While spending the extra $20 that was somehow cut off of Reckoning’s price tag, I ended up purchasing Monster Tale, a game that I entered with the notion that it was a SNES-like, metroidvania title, made by the same team that created Henry Hatsworth, while all of these are true, that doesn’t answer whether or not it is worth the $11 I spent on it.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Rather Lovely Premonition of the Deadly Variety

As a bit of an apology for nothing being written last week due to Mass Effect 3, a video project, a video shoot, and general laziness.  Here are my first impressions on Deadly Premonition, a cult classic game that is horrible from a gameplay standpoint, but is an amazing piece of entertainment.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Beyond Good and Evil HD Review

Beyond Good and Evil is often considered to be one of the most overlooked games of the sixth(Gamecube, Xbox, PS2) generation of gaming.  This can be attributed to many factors, namely how crowded the 2003 holiday season was, and the fact that the game’s publisher, Ubisoft, released Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, a game that was built upon the same engine, a mere week after the launch of the new IP by Rayman creator, Michel Ancel.  Thankfully, Ubisoft released an HD remastering of the game in early 2011, I just got around to beating it, and am here to tell you weather or not it is worth the asking price of $10.  Yes, yes it is.  But if you want more information, click the jump below.