Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mass Effect 2 Review

Mass Effect 2 was one of those games that I was excited ofr, but never did any extensive research on it.  I didn’t watch many trailers, didn’t look for news, I just pre-ordered it, heard how great it was before launch, and started playing.  I went in hoping for a more refined version, but instead I got a notable improvement in nearly every aspect. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Mass Effect 1 Review

As a wee boy, boy, I went against the trend of today and hated first and third person shooters. I was more of a Mario, Pokemon, and Sonic kind of kid, and since I thought that I should try a bit of everything, so I decided to buy Mass Effect.  Being a fan of RPGs since I bought Final Fantasy 1&2: Dawn of Souls and Golden Sun, And BioWare’s previous title Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. I decided that I might as well start with a hybrid of both an Third Person Shooter and an RPG.  But now without the rose tinted glasses of nostalgia, and with the partially poo stained glasses of a critic.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Darkness (I and) II Demo Impressions

The Darkness II Demo Impressions:
Due to the hype surrounding The Darkness II, I downloaded the predecessor’s demo, but much to my surprise, my thoughts can be best summarized by the following video:  

Why yes, I am a huge fan of Zero Punctuation.
But how does the sequel's demo stack up?  Here’s what I thought:

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning and Resident Evil Revlations Demo Impressions

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is one of my most anticipated of 2012, and to much my surprise a demo was released.  And Resident Evil Revelations is a curious little game that I, as someone with little experience in the realms of survival horror, possess some interest towards  So I went and downloaded both of the demos, played them for about 90 and 25 minutes respectively, and here are my first impressions of both:

Sunday, January 15, 2012

First Impressions of Final Fantasy XIII-2, Asura's Wrath, and Bastion

As a break from the routine of reviewing games, which I have been assembling a backlog of, I decided to give my first impressions on a couple of games.  Two of them are demos that hit the Xbox Live Marketplace on 10/1/12, the other one is a critically acclaimed indie hit that was universally praised, but I beg to differ.  Now there will not be scores, mostly because I don’t like giving a numerical value towards a brief experience.  Hit the jump and and Just Go For It!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Final Fantasy XIII Review

Nearly 14 months after buying an Xbox 360, the game I was so excited for, the game that sold me on the console, finally was released.  With high expectations and a renowned love for the first four games in the series, I experienced the most disappointing game I’ve ever had the displeasure of playing. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Skyrim Review

Ah, Skyrim, such a pleasant and massive treat.  I have decided that it would be a really bad idea to start this whole reviewing thing with a game like this, but I’m reckless enough to try.

Let me begin with two things:  One, I hated Oblivion.  I hated the degrading of weapons, the unfriendly user interface, the intimidatingly large world, and how progress seemed impossible in a game like it.  I spent 40 hours on it, and will never look back.  I managed to go to the second town in the game, until I tried riding a horse and gave up.  Two, I spent 172 hours on this game, and regret none of it.  It’s one of the best games I played in 2011.